In a few lines

A bouquet of flowers from a impeccable quality

All flower bouquets are made with love by a florist near you, delivery anywhere in Belgium

Shipped with care & received where you want

One-time delivery or monthly subscription: The freedom to choose

Discover our products
livraison de bouquet fleurs bruxelles

Why consult us ?

Do you want to embellish your interior with beautiful flowers but don't know which one to choose? It's never the right time when you remember to go to the florist? Between work, children and various activities, hard to find a niche to go to the store?

Order online when you think about it, our florists take care of the rest .

Never forget an important date again thanks to our annual or monthly subscriptions . The perfect solution to make sure you always have fresh flowers at home. Choose a recurrence and receive at each deadline a new original bouquet created by a florist. Are you going on vacation or want to end your subscription? No problem, pause your subscription via your user space.

Daily flowers offers you THE solution thanks to its online ordering system. No matter when, be free to order your bouquet of flowers. Your fresh flowers will then be delivered by our florist.