La Signification Cachée: Découvrez le Langage des Fleurs

The Hidden Meaning: Discover the Language of Flowers

The Language of Flowers: Symbols and Meanings

Flowers have had symbolic meaning for centuries. The language of flowers is a form of non-verbal communication that allows you to express emotions, feelings of love, friendship, gratitude or condolences.

In Belgium, where floral culture is deeply rooted, the language of flowers is still widely used to communicate subtle and personal messages.

The language of flowers has its origins in Antiquity, but it was in the 19th century that this form of communication reached its peak in Belgium. At that time, lovers exchanged bouquets with specific flowers to express their love or interest. The flowers were carefully chosen based on their symbolism and meaning.

Main Flowers and Their Meanings in Belgium

  • Roses - passionate love (red) / purity (white)
  • Tulips - perfect love
  • Lily - purity, innocence, beauty
  • Daisies - loyal love, simplicity
  • Orchids - beauty, grace, sensuality
  • Daffodils - renewal, rebirth
  • Violets - modesty, discretion
  • Peonies – wealth, prosperity, good fortune
  • Camellias - admiration, gratitude
  • Hydrangeas - sincerity, gratitude
  • Hyacinths - joy, cheerfulness
  • Freesias - friendship, trust
  • Primroses - hope, youth
  • Dahlias - recognition, gratitude
  • Chrysanthemums - mourning, respect

To convey subtle messages with bouquets in Belgium, it is essential to know the language of flowers and choose the appropriate flowers based on their meanings. Here are some tips for communicating your feelings effectively:

  • Learn the symbolism of flowers
  • Choose flowers according to the occasion
  • Create personalized bouquets

By knowing the language of flowers, you can convey subtle, personal messages with your bouquets, adding an extra dimension to your relationships and expressions of affection.

The Symbolism of Flowers: In Depth

Roses are undoubtedly the most emblematic flowers in terms of symbolism. In Belgium, a red rose expresses passionate and ardent love, while a white rose is associated with purity and innocent love. The different colors of roses can convey subtle messages, from friendship to gratitude.

Tulips, the emblematic flowers of Belgium, symbolize perfect love. Giving tulips to a loved one can express sincere and deep love. Lilies, on the other hand, represent purity, innocence and beauty. They are often chosen for special occasions such as weddings and birthdays.

Daisies, modest and charming, symbolize loyal love and simplicity. Giving daisies can be a meaningful gesture to show attachment and loyalty. Orchids, exotic and elegant flowers, symbolize beauty, grace and sensuality. They are often given to express admiration and attraction towards a person.

Tips for Choosing the Right Bouquet

  • Consider the relationship and the opportunity
  • Consider the person's preferences
  • Opt for fresh, quality flowers
  • Consider adding flowers with specific meanings

In Belgium, flowers are a popular and expressive way of conveying emotions and intentions. Whether celebrating a special event, expressing gratitude or simply showing affection, the language of flowers offers a rich palette of symbols and meanings to explore.


The language of flowers in Belgium is an ancient art that continues to be practiced today. Each flower has a unique symbolic meaning, and giving an appropriate bouquet can convey specific emotions and intentions. By knowing the language of flowers, you can convey subtle, personal messages with your bouquets, adding an extra dimension to your relationships and expressions of affection.

You can find flower bouquets with specific meanings in Belgium at Daily Flowers. Visit our website to discover a variety of flowers and their symbolism.

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